Download “How to Find Mold in Your Home”
Professional Tips and Techniques
Yes, you can inspect your home “like a pro,” if you have the basic information and know the visual clues most professionals use. The primary advantage most professional inspectors have over you is experience, much of which can be replaced by knowledge. We offer you this knowledge, right here, right now, at no charge.
The purpose of this eBook is to educate you about indoor mold and the process of mold assessment. Our hope is to ensure that you have the right information to take whatever steps are needed next or to rest assured that no current problems exist.
There are three kinds of mold:
1. Mold you can see
2. Mold you can smell but can’t see
3. Mold you can’t see or smell
The third type, hidden mold, can be the most damaging because it’s allowed to thrive unchecked. Most people who see or smell mold take action, but it’s the unseen mold that is the greatest hazard to health and wealth.
It’s extremely important to know that where you find visible mold, there is a high probability of hidden mold, often in much greater quantity than the visible part.
A careful, educated inspection of your home, in pursuit of moisture problems, past or present, is the smartest thing you can do, because indoor mold growth is a symptom of a moisture problem and excess moisture is the enemy.
The next smart step is testing. In the event you discover a mold or moisture problem, the next step is to determine whether it has caused an air quality problem. The most affordable, easiest, and most scientific way to do that is to purchase the GOT MOLD?® Test Kit.
If your inspection finds nothing, but you still suspect a mold problem, air sampling often can confirm your suspicions and help you get control of your problem.
By reading and following the instructions in this booklet, you will gain a solid understanding of your indoor environment and where to test for mold. We will guide you through an inspection of your outdoor and indoor spaces, and explain why some conditions may indicate the presence of mold.
Our motives are simple: We want you to become a more educated consumer and understand why utilizing the GOT MOLD? Test Kit should be your first course of action when a problem is found.
I’ve had ongoing mold issues under my kitchen sink for months. The cause – a garbage disposal that maintenance kept trying to continue to use even after it was smoking. I asked the new maintenance head about the leak and was rudely to “put paper down there” Now I have black mold. They sprayed bleach on it and aren’t doing anything hung else until”it dries”